Physical Security Shift Happens
Your Essential Guide to Modernizing Physical Security with Cloud and AI 

EBook - Shift Happens-2

Shift just got real in the physical security industry - are you prepared? 

Don’t get left behind as cloud computing and AI transform physical security. Our comprehensive IT guide, "Physical Security Shift Happens," provides a practical approach to modernizing your infrastructure.

You'll Learn How To:
  • Take a staged approach to lower upfront costs
  • Define your business needs and find the right solution
  • Determine the deployment option(s) that is best for you— pure cloud, cam to cloud, hybrid  
  • Maximize your investment
  • And much more…

Download Our Latest eBook

Our guide, "Physical Security Shift Happens",  aims to help businesses intelligently navigate the physical security landscape. Our goal is to leave you better equipped to modernize your physical security infrastructure in a sane, staged, and scalable way.

Shift is happening. The cloud is here.


Businesses are already using a cloud-based video surveillance solution.*


Businesses are planning to migrate to cloud-based video surveillance in the next two years.* 


Businesses using cloud-based video surveillance are leveraging AI for enhanced functionalities like behavioral analysis.* 


Unlock the Power of Our Industry Leading Video Surveillance System That is Secure, Simple, and Scalable

Arcules is a Canon Company that delivers the next generation of cloud-based video surveillance and smart analytics − all in one unified, intuitive platform. We help organizations eliminate complexity, reduce maintenance, and save money while improving safety and optimizing business operations.